Why Software-as-a-service solutions
remove barriers to mining's digital transformation

To accelerate digital transformation, many mining and minerals organisations are moving an increasing number of workloads and applications to the cloud. This can deliver a range of important benefits: scalability, flexibility, ease of cash flow, and less maintenance effort for internal IT teams. Cloud-based data can also be stored centrally and securely, and integrated with data from right across the business – providing stakeholders with much deeper and more valuable insights than otherwise. Cloud storage is also cost-effective, and the environment is maintained by the vendor, meaning no ongoing maintenance is required by IT.

For mining organisations with reliable and secure internet connectivity, moving data and software to the cloud can have significant productivity and commercial benefits. For these reasons, Metallurgical Systems has recently launched their enterprise-wide platform, Metallurgical Intelligence®, as a Software-as-a-Service deployment option.

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